TITLE: hygiene reflects who you are

GENERAL OBJECTIVE: A business has to teach and raise awareness among children in the garden of the town Quindío quarter of Saint Christopher on the importance of the use of soap for your hands after eating, playing, toileting etc. .. To prevent diseases, illness in these children as they are in the process of growth and health.
* Contributing to hygiene and cleanliness of the children's garden in the town Quindío quarter of Saint Christopher, campaigns toilet for washing hands, talks about the importance of soap in our hands.
* Teach and practice the sport, recreation, competitive and have the function of native integral formation of individuals, preserve and develop better health in humans.


The problem that occurs in these children is poor hygiene and poor presentation by their parents or persons with whom they live, do not teach the use of soap on their hands properly because they are exposed to any contamination or bacteria effect their health. All diseases can be acquired, it is also necessary to teach the importance of proper presentation of his physique. Since basic education of children is acquired during the first five years of age.
No need to teach the use of soap to instill Nor should wash their hands before and after eating.


Is to teach children in the garden of the town Quindío quarter of Saint Christopher the importance of using soap to wash our hands and in many cases presents the children's poor hygiene, foul-smelling dirt etc.
The importance of our project is to influence children to be responsible with their bodies and have better health in your body is to make them fall into account the proper use of soap in them and can prevent diseases, viruses, bacteria that can affect your health .


Our project "Hygiene reflects what you are" will be held in the garden of Quindío. A leisure activity. One day a week to each room explaining the importance of putting into practice personal hygiene soap and dynamic teach to teach them to wash their hands.

* The first activity will be held on Thursday, May 20 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm will be told the importance of personal hygiene through a fun dynamic will make rounds with the participation of children in a nursery.

* The second activity will be held on Thursday, June 3 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm will talk about the importance of responsibility, cleanliness in this activity means we will give two children the importance of fuel is have a good cleaning and grooming from small

* The third activity will be made for children from pre kindergarten one, on June 10 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm will do a puppet show to teach the importance of washing hands after each meal. Or from any activity.

* The fourth activity is performed by a talk on Thursday 17 June with pre-kindergarten children from two to teach the importance of washing hands after any activity.

* The last activity will be done by June 24 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm with children K 1 and K 2 will do songs for children learning the importance of washing hands and all of the bacteria is in his hands and around the habitat where they remain.


May 20, 2010 Talk about the importance of personal hygiene
June 3, 2010 them understand the importance of cleaning through rounds
June 10, 2010 Presentation of puppets on the importance of hand washing
June 17, 2010 Steps of How to wash and dry hands.
Thursday June 24 2010 songs about viruses and bacteria by not
Wash hands.


mistyc kiss our company achieve the target proposed by the project since it will teach children THROUGH conferences and lectures such as:
Bacteria and viruses are germs that can cause infection. To see them is a need for a microscope. By the same token, also called micro-organisms or microbes.

Bacteria are microbes that can survive by themselves anywhere. In the human body, air, water, soil ... bacteria can multiply very quickly.

The bacteria causes include:

• pneumonia,
• bacterial meningitis
• some forms of sore throats and ear.

Antibiotics can kill bacteria and thus help improve the health and even save lives.
Virus: Viruses are smaller than bacteria. They need other living cells to multiply. They take advantage of the cell they invade. How? As it were forcing the cell to make new viruses. Then, the host cell is destroyed and the virus is rapidly distributed in the body.

The virus causes include:

• Colds
• Acute bronchitis
• Flu
• Most sore throats and ear
• Measles
• Rubella
• viral hepatitis

advance social responsibility project images


* The company product mistyc kiss was widely accepted by people who used it, as it meets the needs of people.

* The company's project mistyc kiss was conducted in collaboration with children's garden in the town Quindio fourth grade K St. Christopher, who successfully accepted the presentations and samples of soap.

* It met its objective, the proposed activities were made in the "hygiene reflects who you are" they teach children to wash hands properly and have the satisfaction of having done a quality product and economy Consumer